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Author: Tariq El-Hoss

Most attractive fire alarms in 2023

We have once again rounded off what are, in our opinion, the most attractive fire alarm products for 2023. For some, the installation of important fire alarms and safety devices can negatively impact what has been a meticulously planned and designed environment but it doesn’t need to be that way.

Emergency Lighting System Design Series Follow-Up

In November 2011 we began publishing our ‘Designing an Emergency Lighting System’ series of helpful articles with tips on how to effectively plan an emergency lighting system for your property. A year on we are looking at what, if anything, has changed in this industry and if our blog posts still hold true.

Introducing The A-Z of Fire Supplies

The latest addition to the Discount Fire Supplies website marks the beginning of an informative and in-depth A to Z list of everything to do with fire supplies.

How To Reduce False Fire Alarms

Despite efforts to raise awareness of the negative effects of false fire alarms, they are still a major concern and a drain on public and private funds.

Largest Wireless Fire Alarm System

What is the UK’s Largest Wireless Fire Alarm System? The HMRC tax office in Ty Glas, Cardiff has recently become the home of the UK’s largest EN54-25 compliant wireless fire alarm system. The 21 storey 1960’s tower block facility, one of the UK’s largest HMRC buildings housing over 3000 government employees, presented an array of […]

Kitchen Fire Safety Video Wins Animation Award

A community awareness cartoon with the fire safety message ‘Don’t Drink & Fry’ has won an award at an Irish animation festival. The cartoon highlights the dangers of cooking when drunk and also promotes some essential kitchen fire safety tips.

Spirit of Fire Awards Honours Fire Heroes

Every so often individuals and teams of people carry out amazingly selfless acts in a bid to protect and save lives. The Fire Fighters Charity recognises these people and honours them with the Spirit of Fire Awards.

Talking To Children About Fire Safety

Whether you’re in the home or out-and-about, fire safety is a very important topic – a topic that can sometimes be difficult for parents, teachers and care-givers to tackle.

Fire Dangers Explained: Reduced Visibility

Smoke produced from fire can often be seen before the other effects of fire such as heat and flames. As the smoke fills a room it gradually obscures light sources, whether natural or man-made, and limits occupants’ ability to see clearly.