Floor Identification Signs – What You Need to Know
Following the Fire Safety Regulations 2022 in England, it is a legal requirement that wayfinding signs are installed in high-rise residential buildings, helping individuals to navigate unfamiliar environments, and supporting emergency services and first responders.
Emergency Lighting System Design Series Follow-Up
In November 2011 we began publishing our ‘Designing an Emergency Lighting System’ series of helpful articles with tips on how to effectively plan an emergency lighting system for your property. A year on we are looking at what, if anything, has changed in this industry and if our blog posts still hold true.
New LED Emergency Downlights Available
LED emergency lighting is an ideal choice for organisations looking for a low-maintenance, cost-effective emergency lighting source and our new LED emergency downlights are no exception.
Energy efficient emergency lighting
Energy efficiency is a big deal. As the world is becoming ever more aware of the impact our energy use has on the planet more and more businesses are turning to energy-efficient light sources in a bid to reduce their carbon footprint.
New Emergency Lighting Industry Article
We’ve just added a new industry article to our website on emergency lighting. The article identifies key areas for you to consider when planning an emergency lighting system and also explains some aspects and terms you may not yet be familiar with.
Emergency Lighting System Testing
Designing An Emergency Lighting System: Part 8 As the last part of our Designing An Emergency Lighting System series we will discuss after-care for your system. The Fire Safety Order requires regular testing to be performed as part of maintaining the compliance of an emergency lighting system. As such, any emergency lighting system must contain […]
High Risk Task Area Emergency Lighting
Designing An Emergency Lighting System: Part 7 In many emergency situations workers or members of the public will simply be able to stop whatever they’re doing, whether it’s using a computer, shopping or having a bite to eat, and evacuate the building. Some workers however might be in the middle of a high risk task […]
Emergency Lighting In Open Spaces
Designing An Emergency Lighting System: Part 6 So far in this Designing An Emergency Lighting System series of blog articles we’ve provided you with advice on the legislation governing emergency lighting, the many places you should locate your emergency lighting, including escape routes and essential locations, and even emergency exit signs.
Escape Route Emergency Lighting
Designing An Emergency Lighting System: Part 5 Once the essential emergency lighting areas have been covered you should review all escape routes to see if any additional lights are required to ensure that minimum luminance levels have been met for safe escape route usage.