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Get Your Hands On A Free Discount Fire Supplies Phone Holder!

mobile phone holder
iPhone not included, sorry!

We’ve been fairly passive in our marketing activities to date but we’re upping our game for 2013.

So far we’ve had great success on Discount Fire Supplies in large part due to our competitive pricing, broad range of products and excellent customer service. Our customers have proven to be loyal too for which we are very grateful – thank you!

We have big ambitions though and want to cement ourselves as the premier supplier of fire alarms and equipment in the UK as well as internationally. We’ve got big plans in place to help us do this and aim to establish our brand firmly in the minds of the fire trade. With the new year approaching we thought it would be great to send our customers something a little different than the usual promotional calendar – something that you might not have seen before.

What Is It?

After some deliberation (wow, there are lots of innovative products out there) we settled on a fantastic little product, a pop-up mobile phone holder! You can see the finished product pictured above – sorry, the iPhone isn’t included I’m afraid.

The phone holder is a handy item that you can use daily to keep your mobile phone (or smartphone or music player) in view and ready to hand. Delivered flat, you simply need to fold the cardboard and secure it by popping the tab at one end through a slot in the base. We’ve even designed an attractive skin for the phone holder which features a useful 2013 calendar and our lovely branding and contact details.

We hope you’ll find the phone holder useful during your working day and that when you think fire alarms, you’ll think!

Who’ll Receive A Phone Holder?

We’ll initially be sending around 60% of our phone holder stock to existing customers that we’ve identified in our customer database and keep 40% back to send out with orders we receive over the start of 2013. If you’ve ordered from in the past you don’t need to do anything, just look out for an envelope in the post!

If you haven’t received a phone holder and would like one, even if you’re not a customer, just let us know in the comments below. We may need to get in touch to find out your address to make sure you complete the all the requested fields accurately.

We’ll also be giving our Twitter followers an opportunity to get their hands on a phone holder, if you haven’t followed us already our username is @firesupplies.

Tell Us What You Think

When you receive your phone holder we’d love to know what you think! Just leave a comment on this blog post, send us a tweet or write an email to [email protected].

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