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Author: Tariq El-Hoss

Wireless Cigarette Detectors Now Available

A new range of wireless cigarette detectors are now available for purchase at Discount Fire Supplies.

Fire Dangers Explained: Smoke Inhalation

It’s a common misconception that severe burns are the biggest killer when it comes to fires. In reality smoke inhalation kills more people than any other danger associated with indoor fires.

New Fire Brigade Response Vehicle

A controversial new type of fire fighting vehicle has been introduced in the Midlands amid budget cuts across the region.

Fire Dangers Explained: Burns

In the public consciousness, burns are often regarded as the biggest risk of being caught in a fire. While this isn’t always the case, burns can be extremely painful and even deadly.

Help, Which Fire Extinguisher Do I Need?

It’s easy to panic when there’s a fire and you’d be forgiven for reaching for the nearest fire extinguisher. However, it’s important to remember that different fire extinguishers have been designed to tackle different types of fire – the fire extinguisher you choose could have a big effect on how quickly the fire goes out, […]

Cigarette Smoke Detectors by Radal Technology

With the introduction of the smoking ban in 2007 cigarette smoke detection became one of the most sought after types of smoke detection for businesses all over the UK. During this time Radal Technology has been at the forefront of the cigarette detection industry.

The Difference Between Smoke Detectors & Heat Detectors

When planning a detailed fire alarm system, or even the installation of domestic fire alarms in your home, you may wonder where it’s best to locate your smoke detectors and heat detectors and why.

Manufacturer Spotlight: Detector Testers (No Climb)

Detector Testers (No Climb) have been at the forefront in the field of design and manufacture of fire detector test equipment for some time. Their continual investment into research and development makes their products, including the Solo range of detector testers, the obvious choice for anyone looking for a reliable method of testing their fire […]

Summer Fire Safety: Hotel Rooms

Chances are if you’re going on holiday this summer you’ll stay in a hotel. Fire safety is an important consideration whether you’ll be staying in a luxurious 5* hotel or a cheap and cheerful hostel.