Fire alarm systems generally fall in two categories based on whether they are designed to protect life or property. However, sometimes your fire alarm requirements may mean that you only need a category M alarm system – an alarm system that’s managed manually.
Other fire alarm system categories available are L and P (life or property). These scale depending on your specific objectives, from the coverage of essential areas to high risk areas or the protection of the entire property. More information on these fire alarm system categories can be found in our blog under Fire Alarm Systems.
Manual fire alarm systems rely on the occupants of the building in question reacting to the discovery of fire and alerting other people in the building of the danger. As such there are no automatic fire detectors installed in a system of this kind only standalone manual call points.
Typical locations where a category M alarm system might be suitable include small offices and shops where the fire is likely to be discovered quickly and the escape routes from the building will not be compromised. Category M fire alarm systems form the basic level of fire detection for places of employment where there are no sleeping persons.
Ways of introducing a manual fire alarm system include installing interconnected manual call points with additional sounders or by installing combined call point/sounders such as the Evacuator Site Master Alarm. Hand bells and gongs could even be employed effectively. Manual call points should be positioned no more than 45 metres apart and at all exits. Alarm sounders should be loud enough to be heard from all locations in the premises.