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Cornwall Carbon Monoxide Detector Initiative

A new initiative has been started in Cornwall to encourage campsite and caravan park owners to sign up to a carbon monoxide awareness register.

Owners who sign up to the register will receive information packs on the dangers of carbon monoxide as well as portable carbon monoxide detectors for their customers to use. They will also receive posters and leaflets to educate guests and generally make carbon monoxide something people consider a lot more seriously.

Carbon monoxide (or CO2) is an odourless poisonous gas that’s created when fuel does not burn properly. When exposed to this gas humans, and pets too, may experience feelings of nausea, dizziness and fatigue. Prolonged exposure can even be fatal.

Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service have been working with Carbon Monoxide Awareness to make holiday site owners aware of carbon monoxide poisoning in response to several cases of CO2 poisoning in the area – particularly an occasion when a number of holidaymakers were hospitalised after taking a smouldering BBQ into their tent. The fumes from the BBQ, which hadn’t been fully extinguished, contained carbon monoxide which made those involved in the incident very ill.

Unfortunately it’s not guaranteed that every holiday site you visit will have a carbon monoxide detector for you to use. Whether you’ll be holidaying in Cornwall, elsewhere in the UK or abroad this year it’s a great idea to buy your own portable carbon monoxide detector to protect you and your family.

Carbon monoxide detectors are small, light and can be easily packed to take anywhere in the world. They’re very similar to a smoke detector in design and operation whereby if the unit detects CO2 a very loud alarm will sound.

When you’re at home you can keep it near the boiler or gas hob to detect any harmful fumes and if you’re going on holiday you can simply pack it your bag and keep it in your hotel room or tent. In fact, we think a carbon monoxide detector should be as essential as your sun-cream!

Discount Fire Supplies sells a range of affordable carbon monoxide detectors.

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