If you purchase a fire alarm system on discountfiresupplies.co.uk in December you’ll receive a free battery for your chosen control panel as well as CHEKKIT smoke spray to test your smoke detectors.
Our massive give-away, worth up to £66, is now active – all you have to do to qualify to receive your free gifts is buy a fire alarm system on our website during December. A fire alarm system consists of a fire alarm control panel, at least one fire detector and at least one manual call point.
Once we have received your order we’ll dispatch your free fire alarm panel battery and smoke spray along with your chosen fire system. Remember, we offer free delivery for all orders over £100 and same day dispatch for all orders placed before 2.30pm!
Your Free Gift!
Fire Alarm Control Panel Battery
Because fire alarm systems are designed to protect life, it’s a legal requirement to have a backup battery for your fire alarm panel in case of power failure. Not just any battery will do, the battery needs be reliable, safe and have enough power to maintain your fire alarm system for the required standby time in the event of mains failure.
With every fire alarm system control panel purchased in December we’ll provide an appropriate free battery.
CHEKKIT Smoke Spray
Keeping on top of testing and maintenance may not be enjoyable but it’s something that has to be done to ensure your fire alarm system is always working optimally. Luckily, we have the perfect solution to make the process of testing smoke detectors a quick and painless process with instant results.
CHEKKIT Smoke Detector Test Spray is a safe, smoke-like aerosol that allows quick and cost-effective smoke alarm testing. The formula is non-flammable, non-toxic, sensor-safe and clears quickly – all it takes is a one-second burst from floor level to effectively test a single smoke detector.
You’ll receive a 35ml can of CHEKKIT with every fire alarm system ordered in December.
Choosing a Fire Alarm System
There are three main types of fire alarm system for you to choose from: conventional, addressable and two-wire.
We compare the main differences between each fire alarm system using a handy table on our Fire Alarm Systems page but to summarise:
- All detection devices in a Conventional Fire Alarm System zone are connected on a pair of wires for each zone. Warning devices are connected on separate pair of wires for each zone. During an alarm the triggered device’s zone is displayed on the fire alarm control panel.
- All devices in a Two-Wire Fire Alarm System are connected on the same pair of wires for each zone. Like a conventional system, only the zone is identified during an alarm.
- All of the devices in an Addressable Fire Alarm System are connected on a single pair of wires for all zones, creating an unbroken loop back the control panel. Users have the ability to name devices and zones and when an alarm is activated the originating device is identified on the panel. Addressable fire alarm systems also offer detailed fault logging, circuit protection and system monitoring.
Terms & Conditions
Only one Free Gift is permitted per order. The minimum order quantity to qualify for the Free Gift is one fire alarm control panel, one fire detector and one manual call point.
Unqualified claims or orders claiming more than one free gift will be disregarded. The Free Gift is not eligible for exchange or refund. The Free Gift product is the product or products illustrated, no alternative products are offered.
This offer categorically requires a minimum order of one fire alarm control panel, one fire detector and one manual call point to qualify, if you later return items in your order for a refund which results in your final order falling below the required minimum value then you must also return the free gift items or otherwise agree to purchase it at the current retail price.
By taking advantage of this offer you accept and agree to the above terms and conditions. Offer began 1st December 2012 and will terminate on 31st December 2012. Orders placed before the start date or after the termination date are not eligible.