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Solo Smoke Detector Testing

Smoke Detector Testing Products
Smoke Detector Testing Is Quick And Easy With Solo

Most fire alarm systems can be relied on to let you know when there’s a fault with any smoke detectors in your system but it’s also important to actively test your smoke detectors to be sure they’ll work in real-life situations. This guide will explain how you can quickly and easily test your fire alarm detectors using the Solo 330 Detector Testing system.

The Solo 330 Aerosol Smoke Dispenser is a clever product that you can use to easily test smoke detectors by targeting a smoke-like aerosol directly at the detector head. The Solo 330 comprises a retainer cup (for the aerosol canisters) and a clear spring-loaded cup that will fit over the majority of fire detectors. It is important that the cup is clear so that the smoke detector LED is visible during testing.

Solo fibreglass extensions poles are available separately in a variety of lengths to help you test hard to reach detectors.

To test smoke detectors you’ll need Solo A3 Smoke Detector Testing Aerosol 250ml. This non-flammable product has been thoroughly researched: it provides a low-cost per test, won’t damage your detectors and is non-toxic with a fast clearing time.

Solo 330 Smoke Detector Preparation

  1. Unscrew and remove the the red retainer cup from the main part of the Solo 330 smoke dispenser.
  2. Place the Solo A3 smoke aerosol can in the retainer cup.
  3. Replace the retainer cup, with aerosol can, in the smoke dispenser. Keep turning until the aerosol activates then unscrew the retainer cup slightly.
  4. If you are using a Solo telescopic pole, fit this to the smoke dispenser now.

Solo 330 Smoke Detector Testing

  1. Place the smoke dispenser cup over the smoke detector, ensuring the sensor chamber is covered.
  2. Press upwards for one second to activate the Solo A3 aerosol.
  3. Still holding the smoke dispenser over the detector, wait for 10 seconds. If the detector does not activate during this time repeat the test.
  4. If the number of tests per smoke detector exceeds 5 without activation the smoke detector will need further investigation/maintenance.


  • During transit the aerosol might accidentally discharge the testing gas. Simply loosen the retaining cup by a few turns to prevent this – remember to re-tighten the cup before the next use!
  • If liquid deposits build up in the smoke dispenser during prolonged testing, use a clean lint-free cloth to wipe down the cup.
  • After use, wash the cup in warm, soapy water and dry thoroughly.

Discount Fire Supplies sells everything you need to successfully test smoke detectors. We also sell a smoke detector testing kit.