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Thermostat Covers Help Drive Down Energy Bills

Thermostat Covers Drive Down Your Energy Bills
Thermostat Covers Drive Down Your Energy Bills

We are all well aware of the rising energy prices that are inflating our bills and squeezing our wallets both personally and in business. In the UK we are once again braving the cold weather as we move through the winter and staying warm is a must. So how can we have our cake and eat it?

How warm is warm enough?

According to a recent national newspaper article the average thermostat is set to a toasty 23°C which is warmer than the average summer’s day in the UK! Things look worse when the same article estimated that one in twenty people have their thermostats turned up to 30°C and 18% leave their heating on all day and night!

These are frightening statistics, especially when you consider most people are far more prudent at home when they are reasonable for the bills as opposed to in their workplace.

A small change makes a big difference

According to research carried out by HomeServe, Energy Saving Trust there is as much as £520 to be saved annually if thermostats are reduced from 27°C to 19°C . These savings are based on a typical home meaning they would certainly be higher in the workplace.

What can be done to help?

Safety Technology International, or STI, are a global manufacturer of protection products and have developed a range of thermostat protective covers which are essentially a lockable housing for your thermostats. These thermostat covers maintain the function and integrity of the thermostat whilst securely locking them so unauthorised users cannot change the temperature. There are 3 sizes in the range with adequate internal spacing to comfortably fit most domestic or commercial thermostats. This allows business owners to set a reasonable working temperature and be safe in the knowledge that this will remain constant.

What else can you do to help?

Of course there are plenty of other measures you can take to help minimise your bills including the following:

  • Ensure all windows & doors are closed – this is made worse when people open windows and doors, rather than turning down the thermostat, when a room becomes too hot.
  • Energy efficient lighting – using LED lighting where possible will help reduce your energy bills as LED lighting operates at lower costs. However, where this is not possible using slimline fluorescent tubes will help.
  • Run your PCs energy efficiently –make sure you turn computers off at night if they are not being used along with utilising power saving modes
    which automatically put computers into standby mode if idle could save you lots of money.
  • Pay less for energy – are you shopping round to get the best energy deal? Finding a few hours each year to do so could help.

We’d love to hear your comments especially if you have devised some quirky ways to save energy.

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