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Which Rafiki Twinflex Multipoint Detector application mode is most appropriate?

One of the many benefits of the Rafiki Twinflex Fire Alarm System is the unique detector concept whereby a single detector provides up to seven operating modes to suit the application. However, to gain the maximum benefit from this feature, the detector mode must be correctly applied to each specific installation to ensure that the optimum detection is provided.

For many applications the factory preset (Smoke 2) is probably suitable, but where environmental conditions are such that an alternative setting is appropriate, the detector must be configured accordingly.

The selection of mode for each detector may be made by an experienced commissioning engineer, or by the system designer or project engineer. In any case the mode selected for each detector should be recorded within the project documentation and/or on the drawings for future reference. The mode of any detector can subsequently be amended if the environment changes.

For advice on selecting the most appropriate mode for a given application, refer to the following chart.


The Rafiki Twinflex Multipoint Detectors & Rafiki Twinflex Fire Alarm System are available now from Discount Fire Supplies.

This information has been referenced from an official Rafiki publication.

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