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Category: Fire Safety

Fined £5000 For Poor Fire Safety

A hotel manager in Derbyshire has been fined £3000 for failing to carry out fire safety work ordered in a Derbyshire Fire Service enforcement notice. He must also pay £2000 court costs.

Lessons From Necker Island Fire

A recent fire on Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island engulfed much of his property, razing his beloved family home to the ground. Thought to be ignited by a lightening strike during a tropical storm in the night, the blaze soon took strong hold of the predominately wooden building.

What Is A Fire Risk Assessment?

A fire risk assessment will help you to identify potential fire hazards in your workplace and give you a sound foundation from which to put in place fire safety procedures to protect your business and employees.

The Destructive Power Of Fire

As I’m sure we are all aware, the week has been fraught with tension as riots have consumed the country. In this post we’d like to explore the role fire has had in the disturbances that began in London and the destructive effects fire brings.

National Chimney Fire Safety Week

Readers of this blog familiar with fire safety may be aware that this week (25th – 31st July 2011) is National Chimney Fire Safety Week.

Landlords and Fire Safety

Residential landlords have a number of health and safety responsibilities to ensure their properties are a safe place for tenants to live. These are covered by the Housing Act 2004 and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

Fire Safety In Hotels

At this time of year many families are leaving the unpredictable weather of the UK for hotter climates on the continent or further afield. Holidays are supposed to be a chance to forget your everyday worries and relax but we urge you to consider fire safety, whether at home or abroad.