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Author: Tariq El-Hoss

What Is Fire Resistant Cable?

Fire resistant cable has been specially designed and thoroughly tested to retain its durability and reliability when fire strikes.

Southampton Landlord Fined £7600 For Poor Fire Safety

Joseph Dorrington, owner of an HMO in Southampton, has been found guilty of seven offences under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) 2005 order.

Fire Alarm System Benefits: Insurance Savings

By installing and maintaining a comprehensive fire alarm system you could potentially save hundreds of pounds a year on your business insurance premiums.

Poor Fire Safety Costs

Every now and then on this blog we talk about establishments and business owners that have been fined or even imprisoned for fire safety neglect. We hope by telling you about them you’ll get a better understanding of the repercussions of poor fire safety.

Fire Detector Cleaning

Maintaining clean, dust-free fire detectors is a key part of ensuring you have a fire alarm system that will successfully protect your property and personnel.

Solo Heat Detector Testing

Detector testing should be are an intrinsic part of maintaining any fire alarm system. Testing your heat detectors, whether fixed or rate of rise, is quick and easy with Solo Heat Detector Testers.

Solo Gas Detector Testing

The Solo Detector Testing system helps you establish that your gas detectors are working optimally with the minimum of effort and fuss. This quick guide explains how to test your gas detectors using Solo products.

Solo Smoke Detector Testing

Most fire alarm systems can be relied on to let you know when there’s a fault with any smoke detectors in your system but it’s also important to actively test your smoke detectors to be sure they’ll work in real-life situations. This guide will explain how you can quickly and easily test your fire alarm […]

Fire Alarm System Components: Fire Alarm Control Panel

A fire alarm control panel is the core of any fire alarm system – it controls and monitors all the devices in the system.