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Category: Fire Safety

Summer Fire Safety: Hotel Rooms

Chances are if you’re going on holiday this summer you’ll stay in a hotel. Fire safety is an important consideration whether you’ll be staying in a luxurious 5* hotel or a cheap and cheerful hostel.

Summer Fire Safety: Camp Fires

With the weather starting to pick up you’ll be forgiven for taking every chance you get to enjoy the sunshine! For many families in the UK sunny weather means a chance to enjoy the great outdoors with a camping trip.

Fire Risk Increased By Hoarding

Hoarding is a serious problem that can cause a home to be filled with possessions which limit daily living, present a fire risk and prevent reasonable access to the property.

Summer Fire Safety – BBQ Preparation

The sun is out and it’s time to barbecue, whether you plan to resurrect your old BBQ from the shed or purchase a shiny new one. But before you start grilling, take note of this important BBQ fire safety advice.

False Alarms Impede Fire Safety

False alarms can cost money, time and even lives if the fire brigade is preventing from attending a real fire.

Fire Protection, Prevention or Precaution?

What are the differences between fire protection, fire prevention and fire precaution?

Poor Fire Safety Costs

Every now and then on this blog we talk about establishments and business owners that have been fined or even imprisoned for fire safety neglect. We hope by telling you about them you’ll get a better understanding of the repercussions of poor fire safety.

Electrical Fire Safety Week

Electrical Fire Safety Week is a joint initiative between Fire Kills and Fire Authorities around the country. A week of heightened publicity about the dangers of electrical fire will take place next week over January 23rd – 29th 2012.

Effective Fire Risk Assessment

Many fires on business property, like factories and construction sites, could be prevented annually if businesses carried out more effective fire risk assessments.